We always knew it would be hard to walk the path of adoption, but didn't know HOW hard.
Yesterday we received our first informational sheet on a possible profile showing. Here's the deal though, we had to read through the email (that didn't contain a lot of information, but some) and now we have to make the decision of whether or not to have our profile in the contender's ring. It's hard. EXTREMELY hard.
The hubs and I chatted about it and talked in circles. We prayed about it and then went to bed. Where I proceeded to be up every couple of hours thinking about the situation. Now here I am sitting quietly staring out the windows wondering... thinking... praying. Silently. You just don't know what to do.
We don't want to talk to our families about it. We don't think it is right for our friends to hear about it. This is something that the hubs and I have to deal with together.
Right now... I don't know what we're going to do. You ask, WHY is it so hard? Because of some of the information we received... it's not a cut and go sort of situation. Most of the items on the info sheet sound wonderful, fantastic, perfect actually... but then there is some information that is scary, questionable, provides us with doubt. Now, are they things that if it were a child we were carrying within me we'd be concerned about, absolutely. Would some of the things be even of a question? Nope.
For the protection of this child, I am not going into any detail and that might drive you all crazy, but it is my job as a future mama to protect whomever we bring into our lives and home. For now, we just ask that you pray for this Expectant Mom and all of the families who are being considered for this adoption but most of all, pray for baby. May the life of this child be blessed beyond all measure, may baby feel the love that surrounds them even now in the womb, and most certainly, may this child grow in their life one that is filled with love, joy and happiness. Whether that is in our home or another home. Our prayers today are for this baby!
Love & Laughter,
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